Team Dynamics DISC Report
Get a helicopter view of your team. Make team communications smarter, not harder.
Taken by over a million people each year, DISC is a powerful psychometric tool that can help managers, business owners, corporate trainers and business coaches connect team members more effectively.
This one-of-a-kind, bespoke report is designed for group training. It allows you to go beyond your typical team building or conflict management training. Aimed at allowing team members to easily identify each other’s DISC Styles, they can then learn to speak each other’s language. Jam-packed with team behavioural insights, teams can use this group report to maximise communications, speak the way the other person wants to be spoken to and reduce potential conflict.
Team Dynamics DISC Report inclusions:
Behavioural Traits
Limitations (Blind spots)
Motivators (What energises the team)
Demotivators (What drains the team)
Triggers (What factors lead to conflict)
Communication Do’s (How to build rapport)
Communication Don’ts (What’s annoying or upsetting)
Recommended Language (Best terms or phrases to use)
Remote Working Challenges
Remote Working Management Tips
Style Continuums
+ BONUS INCLUSION: Team Interaction Matrix (a cross-reference table showing how each DISC style perceives another)