Job Seeker Profile Report
If you want to stand out from the sea of applicants, the Impact Persona Job Seeker Profile Report is your “Ace” card. How and when you play it, is entirely up to you.
Our market research shows that business owners, HR Managers, recruiters and resume writers believe that if a candidate were to present our report it may be very advantageous and looked favorably upon.
Written with these people in mind, it is designed to showcase a quick snapshot of the candidate’s key attributes whilst also addressing the dreaded questions; What are your weaknesses?
Our report albeit briefly, addresses this so you can go in prepared to answer this questions with confidence. Including this report with your resume shows added initiative and desire, always a plus in any organisation. It can also serve as useful talking points and sources of valuable strengths you can provide the organisation as you're being interviewed.
This easy to read, one-page report can be presented during an interview, attached to your cover letter or CV as it highlights:
Your dominant personality style (D, I, S or C)
An overview of your approach and communication style
Your strengths
Your limitations
What motivates you
*You can purchase our Job Seeker & Dominant DISC Profile (RRP $64.95) for a limited time in a package. You’ll receive both individual reports after completing our online DISC assessment process. To learn more about the Dominant DISC Profile report, click here.