Make your application stand out.

You’ve been applying for several jobs, and maybe have gone for interviews, but haven’t gotten anywhere further in your job applications.

You’re spending hours trying to put together your resume, but struggle to find the best words to describe yourself.

During interviews, your mind goes blank and you get tongue-tied when employers ask dreaded questions like: “What are your weaknesses?”

You’re desperately hoping to capture the employer’s attention. You want to stand out from the sea of candidates, but simply don’t know how…It’s disheartening.


With the help of one simple (and very affordable) tool, you can now use key words to describe yourself more effectively, and better prepare for dreaded interview questions

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What if you could use the very same psychometric assessment tool that hundreds of employers and recruiters are using in their recruitment practices?

DISC is a personality profiling tool used by more than one million people all over the world. If you’ve heard of MBTI (Myers Briggs), then DISC is very similar!

The Job Seeker DISC Profile Report is a simple, easy to read one-page overview of your dominant DISC Profile and is specially designed with a recruiter, HR Manager or employer in mind.

What’s in it?

  • Your dominant personality style (D, I, S or C)

  • An overview of your approach and communication style

  • Your strengths

  • Your limitations

  • What motivates you


✨ Sharpen your resume with powerful adjectives that nail your personality traits.

✨ Go into an interview prepared and confident - address one of the most dreaded questions, “What are your weaknesses?”

✨ Gain clarity into your personality traits (your strengths & weaknesses), using one of the world’s most popular psychometric testing tools

✨ Impress would-be employers with an application that stands out. (Including this report with your resume shows added initiative and desire, always a plus in any organisation)

✨ Show your employers that it’s not you saying you’re the right fit for the role, but an independent analysis tool.

⭐Here’s What Other Job Seekers Are Saying⭐

“Having that third party perspective is invaluable and could potentially help secure an interview which I’m not having any luck obtaining at the moment.”

“Thank you for explaining how I could use my limitations for the dreaded weakness interview question!”

“Reading about my DISC profile is SO helpful! I was able to immediately include my true personality traits in my resume and no longer spend hours thinking about how to describe myself!”


Ready to make a difference in your job application?

For a limited time only, Impact Persona is offering the Job Seeker Profile Report at a special promotional price. Once you complete the checkout, you’ll be provided with the DISC assessment link which you can complete at anytime. Your very own customised Job Seeker DISC Profile report will then be sent to you within 1-2 business days.

Normal Price: $19.95

***Promo Price: $9.95



Hi, I’m Charissa, a Certified Behavioural Consultant and passionate DISC advocate.

I know job hunting can be very tough and challenging - after all, I’ve been through it myself several times!

I’m here to help you save time on resume writing and boost your confidence in interviews.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me.